Cricket remembers the Great War with Lord's installation

A Tommy silhouette on display at Lord’s to mark the ECB’s Cricket Remembers campaign 

A Tommy silhouette has been installed on the outfield at Lord’s as cricket prepares to join nationwide commemorations on Armistice Day this Sunday, when the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War will be commemorated.

There But Not There, an image depicting a British soldier from the Great War, was photographed in front of the Pelham Warner stand at Lord’s this week as part of the ECB’s and MCC’s partnership with the charity Remembered, which aims to commemorate the fallen and educate future generations about the sacrifice they made.

Cricket Remembers highlights the contribution made by people from cricket to the nation’s war effort,” said Tom Harrison, the ECB chief executive.

“We can only imagine the courage of those who went to fight and it is important that we commemorate their sacrifice.

“Through this campaign, we hope all followers of cricket can join us in remembering those from the game who played their part in the First World War.”

Rowley Gregg MC, Director of Operations, Remembered, added: “It is wonderful seeing a There But Not There Tommy in such an iconic location to remember the many cricketers who lost their lives in the First World War.

“Their losses were felt in counties across England and indeed in teams across the Commonwealth; First-Class Cricket was abandoned in countries around the world, from the West Indies to Australia and New Zealand, which shows just how many young sportsmen were taken away to fight.

“We hope clubs everywhere will take time to commemorate those who never returned to play with their teams again. Those who wish to help the charities we support can do so by buying a 10-inch Tommy to help rehabilitate injured servicemen and women today.”

County cricket was suspended between 1914-19 and at least 210 cricketers served in the First World War – many of whose stories have been recorded by the cricket historian, David Frith, in an ECB-commissioned feature, “County Cricketers and the 1914-18 War”.

“As someone who had four ancestors fight in the Great War, two of whom never returned, and someone who has an enduring love for cricket, this project is very close to my heart.

“The service and sacrifice made by the county cricketers and the countless more “ordinary” cricketers who were killed while fighting for their country remains incalculable.

“With this campaign I hope we can at least acknowledge the vast contribution of cricketers from the length and breadth of the British Isles and beyond to one of the most cataclysmic conflicts of our era”.

Source: ESPN Crickinfo

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