MS Dhoni will take over as Chennai Super Kings captain from Ravindra Jadeja, after just eight games in charge for the latter. A statement from CSK said Jadeja wanted to step aside to “focus more on his game”.
Dhoni, who had captained Super Kings for 15 seasons, handed over to Jadeja at the start of the 2022 season. Super Kings, the defending champions, have since won two games in eight, and sit at No. 9 out of ten teams on the points table.
Super Kings said in a statement: “Ravindra Jadeja has decided to relinquish captaincy to focus and concentrate more on his game and has requested MS Dhoni to lead CSK.
“MS Dhoni has accepted to lead CSK in the larger interest and to allow Jadeja to focus on his game.”
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Source: ESPN Crickinfo