The new board will be tasked with winding up proceedings against former acting CEO Kugandrie Govender © Cricket South Africa
Lawson Naidoo has been elected the new chair of Cricket South Africa (CSA) and Steven Budlender has been chosen as the lead independent director at the first meeting of the new board. These elections complete the process outlined in the Memorandum of Incorporation (MoI) that the CSA established under the minister-appointed interim board. One of the key factors was in ensuring good governance through a majority independent board with an independent chairperson.
Naidoo is the executive secretary of the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (CASAC) and a founding partner of the Paternoster Group, a political risk consultancy. Budlender is an advocate.
“I thank my fellow Board members for the confidence they have shown in electing me as chairperson,” Naidoo said. “We are all well aware of the challenges facing us in making CSA a world-class sporting organization both on and off the field of play.”
These elections mean former CSA president Norman Arendse, who was named on the new board last week, has not been given a leadership position beyond his status as a board member.
Among the new board’s most pressing tasks will be to wind up the disciplinary proceedings against former acting CEO Kugandrie Govender and appoint a new CEO.
Firdose Moonda is ESPNcricinfo’s South Africa correspondent
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Source: ESPN Crickinfo