India’s Test squad for the two-match Test series in New Zealand is yet to be announced, but the BCCI has already ruled out allrounder Hardik Pandya. In a media release that threw up more questions than answers, the BCCI said that Pandya hasn’t regained full fitness yet, having undergone a back surgery in October 2019. As such, no time frame as been set for his return.
The media release, which was issued on Saturday and signed by BCCI secretary Jay Shah, is curious because India’s Test squad has not been announced yet. So how is Pandya ruled out?
According to the BCCI statement, Pandya had recently travelled to London to review his back again. The seriousness of the case could be gauged by the fact that the player was accompanied by Ashish Kaushik, the head physiotherapist at the National Cricket Academy, where Pandya will now undergo his rehab.
“Team India all-rounder Hardik Pandya has been ruled out of the upcoming Test series against New Zealand,” the BCCI release said. “He travelled to London and was accompanied by NCA Head Physio Ashish Kaushik for a review by spinal surgeon Dr James Allibone. Hardik will be under rehab at the National Cricket Academy until he regains full match fitness.”
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Source: ESPN Crickinfo