Hyderabad opener Tanmay Agarwal was taken to hospital after being struck on the head while fielding at forward short leg during the Group C Ranji Trophy match against Chhattisgarh, in Valsad, on Wednesday, according to a report in the Hindu.
The incident occurred shortly before lunch, when Manoj Singh’s pull off left-arm spinner Mehdi Hasan hit Agarwal’s helmet even as he seemingly instinctively tried to catch the ball.
Agarwal, who felt dizziness despite being conscious, was stretched off the field and taken to the hospital in an ambulance. He was advised a scan after a preliminary examination was conducted by the medical staff at the stadium.
Benjamin Thomas came in to open for Hyderabad in his place, in the second innings, after Chhattisgarh were bowled out soon after lunch.
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Source: ESPN Crickinfo